
Fall Faves

This Fall has been a bit of a hectic one. But, it seemed to have went so fast -- too fast. However, now that it's officially December, it's time to reflect on some Fall faves. Here we go: 1.Simply Cheetos Puffs White Cheddar or Jalepeno If you've read my Summer Faves, then you know that… Continue reading Fall Faves

faves, going out, Uncategorized, wellness

Curly Hair… Have to Care

I've gone through a battle of sorts with learning how to love my curly hair. Growing up as a kid it never bothered me too much. However, I can distinctly remember when I became aware that my hair is the unruly type.  I couldn't tell you exactly when, but maybe around 2nd or 3rd grade,… Continue reading Curly Hair… Have to Care

academics, Relationships, school, Uncategorized, wellness

The Tricks to Making Freshman Year the Bomb.com

Going into freshman year I was SO excited. The whole entire summer all I could think about was decorating my room, meeting tons of people, taking naps, going out—basically everything. I was borderline obsessed with the idea of college. But, when I finally got there, it was a bit harder than I thought when it… Continue reading The Tricks to Making Freshman Year the Bomb.com


Summer Faves ☼

This summer I have tried so many new things and now I have a TON of new favorite products and snacks. Living in the city, I spent way too much money-- but what can I say, I enjoy trying new things. 🙂 1.Glossier Lip Gloss I absolutely love lipgloss and will probably have glossy lips… Continue reading Summer Faves ☼

going out, Uncategorized

Does Catching FOMO Ever Go Away?

Picture this: It's a Friday night and you've just had the LONGEST week ever. When I say longest, I mean tons of writing assignments and this morning you accidentally poured orange juice in your coffee thinking it was creamer... But then, you get an email from a professor reminding your class that a huge project… Continue reading Does Catching FOMO Ever Go Away?

Relationships, wellness

Rooming With Your Best Friend: The Truth

Coincidentally, my best friend and I from high school decided to attend the same college. When we first found out, we were ecstatic. Who wouldn't want to have a best friend to go to all of the awkward orientation stuff with? We knew that it would be comforting to at least know someone in this whirlpool of… Continue reading Rooming With Your Best Friend: The Truth

going out, Uncategorized

Fashion Fave: How to Wear an Outfit in Class and Out at Night

I love to spend money on clothes. However, being in college with limited funds and absolutely no decent clothing stores in the area, shopping sprees are limited (except for the ones that include filling up my online shopping cart then closing the tab). As much as I love to get cute, trendy outfits to go out in,… Continue reading Fashion Fave: How to Wear an Outfit in Class and Out at Night